A Priestess is a portal to another dimension.
Her body is a sacred vessel, through which Divine Love flows…
Calling all priestesses, witches, healers, and magic makers!
We are gathering together to open our hearts, connect with our souls, and grounds ourselves so that we can support and align with the wisdom and power of the Divine and its potential influence on planet earth.
Now is the time to be well-versed in the art of using the temple arts to amplify and enhance the potency of our work.
During this initiatory weekend, you will:
Deepen your connection to your sacred body as a vessel for transformation
Expand your skill with potent spiritual tools to serve your clients
Experience ancient temple anointing practices to nourish your soul
Dive deep into the archetypal wisdom to unlock soul-sourced prosperity
Heal the age-old sister-witch wounds that sabotage your success
Claim your place as a Woman of Wisdom in service to The Goddess
Your Sacred Exchange: $997
(Food, and Experience Included)
(Lodging (includes breakfast) available at $100 per night)
($150 deposit holds your space)
Please commit mindfully, there are no refunds.
Reserve your seat early, space limited to 12 participants.
Lodging limited to 6 participants (additional lodging is available nearby) (4 left!)
The Lunar Eclipse of Ostara is the Perfect time to Gather in Sisterhood
Join Rima Bonario and Michelle Orwick in the Bloom Temple of the Anointing Mysteries.
Get to know these potent and sacred oils, tools of the priestess, and awaken the power within.
We will be celebrating the Lunar Eclipse: the full moon closest to the Spring Equinox (Ostara).
Equinox brings balance between the light in the dark, the masculine and feminine, and our inner and outer worlds. Ostara is a sacred time to plant the seeds of renewal and transformation.
This total lunar eclipse is in Virgo, an earth sign of grounded wisdom.
It heightens our connection to practical magic and sacred service, sharpening our discernment and illuminating our path as a Priestess through clarity and purpose.
Let go of the imbalances of the old, and call alignment into your being.
Let your inner Priestess AWAKEN with the Snake's wisdom under the Lunar Eclipse, unfurling your Kundalini Rising!
The Lost Temple Art of Anointing
Experience an multi-point oil anointing using Bloom Fine Egyptian Oils. In the ancient world, Anointing Priests and Priestesses were known as Myrrhopores who worked with sacred oils. In the temples of Egypt, the priests and priestesses knew the oils opened a gateway to the divine and acted as an initiator into the inner temple. The wisdom of the Myrrhophore lives in our DNA and is activated through the use of ceremonial anointing oils.
The Seven Sacred Oils
The oils we will be using in our ceremony are imported directly from Egypt. The oils are prepared by 5th generation alchemist and world’s foremost expert on healing work with the oils, Gamal Ab’del of Shikh Abdull Oils & Perfume in Cairo. These oils are part of an ancient mystery school tradition that includes using essential oils for clearing the chakras, enhancing rituals and initiations, as well as for balancing mind, body, and spirit.
The Seven Cosmic Oils
We will also use the 7 Cosmic Oils that correspond with the higher chakras (which extend upward from above the crown) to open up energetic gates within the body to allow us to usher in new energetic frequencies to step into more power, higher consciousness, and expanded energy.
This experience will awaken your remembrance through oil anointing ceremony, guided meditation, and deep-personal awareness.
*Clothing: We will be going into a temple ceremony, so I invite you to adorn your body and wear what illuminates your essence! You can choose to anoint the oils on your lower arms or your chakra points. Dress however is most comfortable for you to easily anoint yourself. Please note that oils may get on your clothing. Optional: Bring a bathing suit and towel.
Priestess Camp Retreat Schedule
Friday, March 14th
5:00 pm Check-In
7:00 pm Opening the Temple Gates
7:30 pm Temple Time: Entering the Liminal Space of the Priestess
8:00 pm Releasing the Witch & Sister Wound: Bring 7 items that represent who you are / have been
Saturday, March 15th
9:30 am Opening the Temple Gates
10:00 am Circle Sharing
11:30 am Anointing #1: Activating Heart and Third Eye of the Priestess
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Calling in the Priestess: How do we live Life as Temple? Exploring the Archetype of Healer, Teacher, Oracle, Mystic, Witch, Medicine Woman
5:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Sacred Night Temple: Fire Ceremony & Ritual
Sunday, March 16th
9:30 am Opening the Temple Gates
10:00 am Circle Sharing
11:30 am Anointing #2: Strengthening and Protecting the Back of the Priestess
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Closing Power Ritual & Priestess Initiation Ceremony
4:00 pm Departure
Meet Your Hosts
Dr. Rima Bonario
Dream-Weaver, Soul-Coach, Wild-Heart Healer
Having earned a doctorate in Transformational Psychology, Rima loves to support people in creating lasting transformation by focusing within to connect with and be guided by their soul's knowings.
Her passion is supporting women to awaken and amplify their sacred feminine sovereignty. Rima teaches the underlying energy patterns that keep us stuck repeating old, hurtful life choices so that they can heal those hurts and craft a fulfilling, soulful, and loving relationships. Her studies with master energy teachers, the ancient art of Tantra, years of shadow work and the art of transformational psychology serve as the foundation for her coaching and teaching approach.
Rima is the founder of Bloom Fine Egyptian Oils and she shares the sacred art of anointing as a portal into deep transformation. Creating sacred ceremonies and rituals to heighten soul-level connection is one of Rima's specialties.
Find her at:
Michelle Orwick
Initiated Priestess of the Goddess Path, Spiritual Activator
For the past 20 years, she has been blessed to be a teacher, healer, and guide to thousands of sacred seekers. For the last 10 years, she has been a Master ThetaHealing Instructor. Michelle is currently working on getting her Doctorate in Metaphysics. She is living her purpose as a Divine Priestess. Honoring her own rhythms with the cycles of the changing seasons and the ebb and flow of the moon. She has dedicated her life to guiding people on their spiritual journeys, helping them to create the life they desire, filled with joy and purpose.
Michelle specializes in helping clients to understand their truths, heal emotional shock and trauma from life events, and illuminate their path for future growth. She helps women and men alike go through massive relationship and emotional healings to gain oneness with self. She helps them live at their highest frequency as they are aligning and recalibrating their up-levels and nervous system.
Michelle uses rituals, clearings, and activations to transcend and transform at rapid rates. She recalibrates ascension symptoms to help the light body expand to hold more money, more abundance, more love, more joy, and more expansiveness to set you up for success in your life purpose.
Find her at: